15th - 21st July 2024

Course Content
Multibeam Survey
Underwater Acoustics Basic & Sonar
Sensors Calibration
Basic Oceanography
Bathymetry Processing
Mobilization and Data Acquisition
Data Visualization and Analysis
Day 1: Registration and lectures (UMT)
Day 2 - Day 3: At Redang Island
Day 4 - Day 7 : Lab and lectures (UMT)

This workshop will be introducing the multibeam seamless workflow.
To those who are interested in knowing how to work with the sonar in a proper way and getting the better result.
Hands-on practical with the sonar on board for 7 days including installation, echo sounder calibration, and online recording. Using the latest technology for data processing, analysis, and interpretation and 4D visualization and production.
From sonar principle and theory, basic sonar equation, multibeam project organization from line planning, sonar selection, project requirements, and QA & QC.
The workshop focuses on practicals and spends 69% of the camp time. And intended for beginner and intermediate levels.

Monday to Sunday (15th - 21st July 2024)

Faculty Science & Marine Environment (UMT)
Redang Island

In cooperation with
Ocean Research Services / Ocean My Level 1, DUA, Dapo Pata Tok Jembal, Jalan Longgok, 21300 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu Darul Iman
Email us at
Yana (+6013 400 9856)
Farah (+6019 329 4645)
Contact Us